
List of Artists
Images of the River
Olga de Amaral
Luz blanca (White light), 1969 (reconstructed 1992, 2010)
Nudo azul XIII (Blue knot XIII), 2012
Ceci Arango
Corocora stools, 1993
Cucarachero poufs, 2014
Alberto Baraya
Herbario de plantas artificiales (Herbarium of artificial plants), 2014
Proyecto del árbol de caucho (Rubber tree project), 2005
Río (River), 2005
Monika Bravo
David Consuegra
Ornamentación calada en la orfebrería indígena precolombina (Muisca y Tolima) (Decorative Openwork in Pre-Colombian Indigenous Metalwork (Musica and Tolima)), 1968
Symbol and Posters for Museo de Arte Moderno
Nicolás Consuegra
El agua que tocas es la última que ha pasado y la primera que viene (The water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes), 2013
Clemencia Echeverri
Treno, 2007
Juan Fernando Herrán
Untitled, 1993
Jorge Lizarazo
Inga, 2013
Walking Jade area rug, 2013
Jade textile, 2013
Neymar area rug, 2013
Tree Surgeon, 2013
Wouna and Woun stools, 2013
Susana Mejía
Color Amazonia, 2006–13
Alvaro Catalán de Ocón
PET Lamp project, 2013
Abel Rodríguez
Árbol de la vida y de la abundancia (Tree of life and abundance), 2012
Ciclo anual del bosque de la vega (Seasonal changes in the flooded rainforest), 2009–10
Fish trap, 2013
María Isabel Rueda
La llorona: El río debajo del río (The crying woman: The river under the river), 2013
Lucy Salamanca
Stools from the Out of Balance project, 2010–11
Appliqué, 2014
Marcelo Villegas
Doble curva (Double curve) chairs, ca. 1990
Bamba chair, ca. 1990
Carol Young
Memoria (Memory), 2014

Waterweavers: The River in Contemporary Colombian Visual and Material Culture

On view at AMA | Art Museum of the Americas, OAS June 24 – September 27, 2015

Explore this interactive map to discover the relationship between the artworks on view in Waterweavers and seven rivers in Colombia (Amazon, Bogotá, Cahuinarí, Cauca, Magdalena, Putumayo, and Ranchería). It’s your choice to navigate using the points on the map, or to make selections from the “List of Artists” tab on the top right. The “Exhibition” tab activates the artworks in Waterweavers within the map; the “Images of the River” tab activates photographs of the rivers; and the “Map” menu allows users to select different map views.

In Colombia, a country whose complex topography has historically caused waterways to be the only means of transportation between many communities, rivers have both united and separated people. Today, when most of the population lives in cities, rivers continue to serve as the sole access to remote areas, but they also play a new role, as the axis for a different type of economics: the black market (in drugs, minerals, guns, money, and so on), which fuels the armed conflict that has plagued Colombia for decades. Waterweavers, the exhibition, considers these issues from very different points of view as it presents a territory laden with conflict while showing the creative output that nevertheless thrives in the midst of—or in response to—hardship. Using the the river as a conceptual device to explore the intersections in Colombian contemporary culture between design, craft, and art, Waterweavers investigates the intricate ways in which culture and nature can intertwine across disciplines. Drawing, ceramics, graphic design, furniture, textiles, video, and installations evoke a concept informed by social, political, and ecological strife in Colombia.

Please visit the AMA Website for further information about visiting the gallery and gallery programs.

Waterweavers was curated by José Roca with Alejandro Martín, and organized by the Bard Graduate Center Gallery, New York City. Unless otherwise noted, the text on this site is excerpted from Waterweavers: A Chronicle of Rivers, edited by José Roca and Alejandro Martín, and published by the Bard Graduate Center, New York City. All photographs are provided courtesy of the artists, unless otherwise credited in the image captions, and are protected by copyright. Interactive design by Alex Weiss-Hills and Kate Dewitt, Bard Graduate Center. Funding for Waterweavers was generously provided by Vivian Haime Barg and Leon Tovar Gallery. In-kind support provided by Christie’s and Phillips. Special thanks also to Cristina Grajales Gallery.

View the Interactive Map